Elevate Your Marriage! Take a Course - Together

Keep Going. Keep Growing. 


60 Marriage's in the Bible. 

The approach of Elevate Your Marriage is unique & also powerfully effective. We connect the marriages of the Bible with husbands & wives of today. The 60 marriage's of the Bible convey truths on topics like communication, intimacy, trust and money...that give us direction and wisdom - today.  

Further each class comes with lots of easy to implement "real world" digital downloads, and exercises that seek to improve the quality and connection in your relationship. 

Grow your Marriage in Christ!

Choose the course for where you are.

Elevate Your Marriage: From the Start (Engaged & Newlywed)

Over the last 17 years I've stood at the altar with more than 150 couples & prepared hundreds more for a lifetime of Christian Marriage together. Elevate Your Marriage: From the Start, allows you & your spouse to explore areas of your relationship that will give you a foundation to build upon for a lifetime.

Create a Marriage Plan (like a Business Plan but for your Marriage 😇):  Christ Centered Goal Setting, Financial 10 Commandments, Financial Agreements/Structure, Christ Centered Vision & Mission Statements. 

Plus, in this comprehensive course you'll receive tools to improve areas like: Communication, Trust, Intimacy and Money

2 Virtual Group Coaching sessions(up to 10 couples) + More than 10 Digital Download PDF's + up to 3 individual couples sessions with Edward to discuss your marriage questions specifically.

Schedule 15 min call w/Edward. Hurry Class Starts Tues Jan 16th

Elevated Marriage (Married)

Years now into marriage & some "things" are developing. Put structure into your relationship as you work together in this class to:

  • Move from "where are we going" to determining what legacy your marriage will leave
  • Move from "unheard and unresolved" to resolving  disagreements & arguments - for real, for good
  • Address points of anger and negative emotions that've settled in
  • Develop structure through Christ Centered Goals, Vision & Mission Statements 
  • Understand role of Wedding Vows - now
  • Improve Communication Patterns and stop Tennis Talk, Couching and Grey Areas...
  • More...Much More...

Course is delivered in 2 Virtual group format sessions (up to 10 couples) with up to 3 additional individual couple sessions with Edward to identify & discuss specific areas of interest for your relationship.

Schedule 15 min call w/Edward.Hurry Class Starts Sun, Jan 14th